Ladies in Lighting 2017!

The gals of The Lighting Element, Philips Lighting, Tempo, Design Plan and VLT made their TLE Debut at this awesome event at the Del Mar Racetrack. Ladies in Lighting 2017 was a hit!
August, 2017
“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared” – The Buddha.
Here are a few pics and stories of what the TLE Team does in their off time either to help the community, bring joy to those around them, and also some fun updates from our team.
The gals of The Lighting Element, Philips Lighting, Tempo, Design Plan and VLT made their TLE Debut at this awesome event at the Del Mar Racetrack. Ladies in Lighting 2017 was a hit!
August, 2017
The boss lady took a week off in June to head off to Playa Del Carmen to marry her long time boyfriend/fiancé of 13 years. Maddy is now Maddy Kent MacElwee. Still the same great lady, just a different last name.
July, 2017
Pictured here are your TLE Salsa Champions, showing off their 1st (Vanessa Williams) and 2nd (Manny Mercedes) Place prizes at the first ever TLE Salsa Cookoff!
Ay Chihuahua que caliente!
May, 2017
Rebecca Goelden stopped in the office last Friday to refresh us on the necessary safety equipment needed on a jobsite. She discussed everything from head and eye protection to first aid preparedness. Each step of the way, using Brendan as a model, she displayed proper use and application of each piece of equipment. Needless to say, nobody was more appropriately dressed for a day on that job than Brendan by the end of her presentation!
April, 2017
Manny, Christina, Brendan, Alex, and Michael enjoyed the Sunny Opening Day Padres Game, where the San Diego Padres overcame the San Francisco Giants. It was Michael’s first MLB experience, and this memorable game was it a great way to kick off the 2017 season.
April, 2017