The Brightside.

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.  Happiness never decreases by being shared” – The Buddha.

Here are a few pics and stories of what the TLE Team does in their off time either to help the community, bring joy to those around them, and also some fun updates from our team.

The Lighting Element 1 Year Party!

The Lighting Element’s one year anniversary party at Spark’s Gallery in the Gaslamp was a huge success!  Thank you to all of our manufacturers for your sponsorship.  A huge thank you to the TLE employees who pulled it all together!  Finally, an enormous THANK YOU! to our clients who supported us in our first year and came out to our event!


February, 2018

Brendan gets his LC!

We are proud to announce that Brendan McCartney now has his LC! Brendan passed the NCQLP Lighting Certification test in December of 2018.

December, 2017

Lighting Industry Golf Tournament

Vanessa Williams and Dave Gnapp with Philips hit the links at an industry golf tournament – co-sponsored by The Lighting Element & Philips.

November, 2017

Manny is ready for Monday night football


September, 2017

TLE Values Session with The Idea House

The Lighting Element and The Idea House joined forces to establish TLE’s core values in a fun day of teambuilding activities. Christina and Manny are explaining the exciting elements that drive the team to work hard!


August, 2017